We are in an unprecedented time. The American Government has fully exposed itself to either be woefully ineffectual or worse, negligently malicious to the welfare of its citizens. It’s time we take our needs into our hands and build off networks propping up. All the local businesses creating funds for staff? All the people dropping off grocery’s to the elder or disabled? All the support being offered for people who struggle just right under or above the poverty line day to day?
It’s not hard to imagine that help is not coming. In fact, we are the help we have needed. The tech-age has seduced us to a pale nausea. Our entire society has fallen into a “do for me” ignore my kin sort of neurosis, that the vulture class happily enjoys watching. The power of the working class, the down trodden, the poor, and the criminalized, however has only begun to materialize on the conscious plane.

For there to be action, the state of reaction must transform to realization, before it can catalyze into action. That is, feeling must meet thinking, before it can become being-revelation, and finally action, of which we call the 4 quadrants. Move your adrenal system from feeling (worry, panic, fear, unease, pleasure) to thinking (gathering information, tinkering, research) to being (integration, transformation) to action (all seeing action towards the belief and will of the highest potential).
“The amygdala is a complex, almond-shaped structure found deep inside the brain (ergo the name, derived from the Greek word amygdale, meaning “almond”) that is responsible for a wide range of cognitive and emotional functions. The brain actually has two amygdalae, one in each side (or hemisphere) of the brain. These structures play a large role in the processing of memories–specifically, by attaching emotional significance to those memories. If you see a familiar face, for example, the amygdala goes to work: If it’s a close friend, you’ll feel a surge of joy. If it’s someone who rubs you the wrong way, you’ll feel the opposite. While much of the decision-making process takes place in other parts of the brain (such as the prefrontal cortex), scientists recognize the amygdala’s propensity to take over in certain circumstances,” writes Justin Bariso, author of EQ Applied: The Real-World Guide to Emotional Intelligence.
It is from self-relation not self-slavery, that society can begin to be human in its capacity. If we can integrate our fractured mental and spiritual atlas, put down our gadgets designed to lull us to sleep, we can end with the dogma of linguistics of othering. The power in our labor comes from our will to power. This life force stems from the natural drive to provide for ourselves and those that we love. Most people want that. However, the systems we create come from imperfect vessels, and without checks and balances, or systems and structures that are strong, psychopaths we have never likely seen in our lives, ones that cannot imagine, exploit the labor of others, financial energy vampires, who sharpen blade for the sake of the thrill. My point is we have to get serious about the collective looming problems, but we are going about it backwards.
From the perspective of inner engineering, the self Is a mechanism like many others that needs to be fine tuned and developed.