Presenting our summer Artist in Residency: Sol Liebeskind @liebeskindsol
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Presenting our summer Artist in Residency: Sol Liebeskind
“I have had the honor to help two very special individuals that are visiting from Argentina, singer Sol Liebeskind and her partner and guitarist Agustin Uriburu. They quickly became good friends of mine and they inspired a type of Residency program I am running where artists come together and create a foundation for their art to shine however long that moment lasts… What makes this particular moment so special is that they are both wide eyed visitors to my home of NYC and being here as well as any role I play in helping them is but a brief privilege by the nature of the visit. So whatever I can do to help someone discover their talent, which to me is beyond talent, it is a gift from the other side to touch people and brighten their day, instantly from the second you hear Sol’s breathy emotion rich voice it says it all… Friends, i’d like to introduce you to a voice that may stand the test of time once it is shared on the airwaves.” – N.G. Salaam