5After almost missing the show, I eventually followed another group of lost people standing on Grand ave in front of an empty warehouse, we scattered back across the street to find a newcomer to the music scene: Idio Gallery. It seems every time I see Journalism play live, i’m being asked to go to a venue that has just sprung up like a weed in the pavement–that’s really exciting and tied in to their involvement with putting together some great shows off the beaten North Brooklyn path. (Once beaten path?) Immediately I was greeted by Ben Seratan fellow Space Man Sound recording artist alongside Brendan Mehan (drummer) of Journalism. We spoke about the insane turn out at the Bernie Rally while Brendan made mention of going to Mongolia this summer, (I believe it was) with one of the guys who helped us make their music video for a fun filming trip. And before we went off about still not having our passports in order, it wasn’t long before Pepito Gomez of Psychic Selves popped up as well and we both made our way inside. The venue portion at Idio is downstairs and pretty cozy, DIY flair with a little love, I had made it just in time to see Slonk Donkerson. They reminded me of some early acts i’ve seen on the LES back in the 90’s, mixing Queen, The Strokes, Def Leppard, even with some funk and 80’s pop thrown in, defiantly going to check them out again. As Journalism set up next, the crowd filled back up close to watch them kick off what has been a great string of strides for them since dropping Faces, and whether it’s the guitars swimming around like two dolphins in the big blue like a happy family, or the drum and bass duo of Brendan Mehan and Nico Hedley holding the ground for guitar bliss to happen, I hope they felt the love there the crowd was putting down. If you’re not in any of the states listed below, pick up a copy of their latest and support them while they’re on tour, a return show is already in store for NYC, I pity the fool who misses shows twice!

4-16 Washington, DC – Bathtub Republic
4-17 Raleigh, NC – Neptune’s
4-19 Nashville, TN – The Crying Wolf
4-20 St. Louis, MO – The Mall
4-21 Champaign, IL – Audible Meats
4-22 Columbus OH – Misfit Mansion
4-23 Pittsburgh, PA – Cattivo
5-21 Brooklyn, NY – Trans Pecos (w/ Bent Shapes)