Photograph By: Chloe Massey

Jatinder Singh Durhailay‘s work exudes the cornerstone of what the modern Asian artist must do and do well: evoke diaspora while excelling in the form in which they participate. Durhailay is a multi-media artist based in London that does just that. Releasing The Last Ballad of Mardana, an album released with Poetic Pastel Press in March 2017, brought together twelve avant-garde compositions by Durhailay that explore the space between sounds and between borders in an amorphous ease of spirit. The CD also include a booklet presenting some of the artist’s recent works in the visual medium as shown below.

The musique of this album includes vocals and the following instruments, some of which are a part of the classical Indian repertoire: dilruba, jori, taus, tanpura, stylophone, whilst marrying the modern rock instrumentations of piano & guitar.