“At the end of spring 2019, I made the move to Brooklyn for a change of pace and to get more involved with all the amazing talent this city has to offer.”
Adi Parige on leaving the Bay Area and moving to New York. For so many South Asians, it seems journey is woven into our culture, for the singer and songwriter behind rock band Dothead, one piece of that pie is being a product of American culture and sharing a legacy to places that give our names.
“HeartCruncher” moves like a serpent through these cultural-lines; I visualize a sting that comes every time the chorus opens like an exhalation-wave, “It’s got me down, as good as it ever has.” Parige nasally grits down his temple into the mic right before the tension opens to a bliss that truly is at the root of what love can be, love from the dawn of time, both the cure and the illness.
Music is just one headspace for the Dothead artist. “Alongside making music, I have a deep love and passion for filmmaking and have been getting involved with filming the live comedy scene out here. I am looking to put a band together for Dothead in the future, so if you dig my stuff, DM me!” Parige says. Nor does the artist who spawned from the Bay Area music scene recently to Brooklyn shy from apathy or takes an apolitical worldview.
“The verses find me lamenting over this lost love of mine whilst involved with another woman.”

Dothead music reminds me of an old relic some grandparents owned like the 3-D photo viewfinder, looking through are slides of existential lessons on pain, growing, and culture. Inside the sonic machine of this maze are some echos of early aughts post-grunge mathy bands with a modern west coast bop dipping its toes in carnatic music‘s iconism. “The choruses on the other hand are overly optimistic in regards to a potential reunion. I liked playing with these different states of mind, because I found it to be an ultra realistic portrayal of my own thought process during post-breakup phases,” Parige on the duality of “HeartCruncher.” While Adi is looking to form a band for his project here in NYC, you can check out his last album on Spotify.
Dothead’s last release ‘Bastard Blessed’
You can stream his new song “HeartCruncher” here.