It’s not something we consider during our rush and grind, but the body and the mind are our two critical vessels, here are a list of great programs run by the folks at Minka to ground you, some classes are sliding scale.

Upcoming WorkshopsTUESDAY, AUGUST 27 Community Constellations with Travis Carrier FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Astrology and Past Lives Workshop and Lecture Series, Level 1 with Malorine Mathurin Creativity for The People with Stephanie Moreno SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 Herbal Medicine Craft 8-Month Training with Gathering Ground Light Language Initiation: Levels I & II with Sunder Ashni TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 Family Constellations with Luisa Muhr SAVE THE DATE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 13th Octave LaHoChi Certification with Ostara Apothecary This training and attunement will initiate you into the 13th Octave LaHoChi healing tradition, and enable you to practice as a practitioner. You will also receive an Angel Light Healing attunement to deepen the work. SAVE THE DATE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Holding Space Series: Online Marketing 101 For Wellness Practitioners + Entrepreneurs If you are a practitioner looking to gain more clients through the online space, then this workshop is for you! You will learn how to establish your presence online, become confident in how to uniquely voice your offerings, and become a magnet to those you want to serve! |
Every Week At MINKA COMMUNITY REIKI Mondays and Thursdays LEFFERTS COMMUNITY ACUPUNCTURE Monday, Wednesday, Thursday MORNING REIKI & MEDITATION Tuesdays from 9:30-10:30am COMMUNITY MEDITATION Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm OSHO CHAKRA BREATHING Thursdays from 9-10am BIRTH BODY BLOOM: BI-WEEKLY PARENTING CIRCLE Every other Sunday 11am-1:30pm DREAM CIRCLE WITH GATHERING GROUND Third Saturday of each month HEALING CIRCLE FOR SELF-IDENTIFIED WIMMIN Third Tuesday of each month BREATHE & BE: HEALING CIRCLE FOR SURVIVORS OF SEXUAL TRAUMA Third Tuesday of each month |