04.06.16The Critical Mass is a monthly party at The Lively in NYC’s Meat Packing District dedicated to celebrating music, musicians, and people from all walks of life who enjoy coming together and having a good time. The night featured an incredibly well curated house band, DJ’s and had guests participate. What we’ve touted as a sort of dream team of Indie musicians and Jazz cats, the house band consisted of Gustaf Axel, well equipped on vocals, really enjoyed his rock rasp that also easily channeled A-ha on moments like the “Take On Me” cover, Giancarlo Castillo shredding on a tele, Alan James Markley dishing out the signature sounds on synth, Campbell Youngblood-Petersen pound for pound a solid drummer playing the entire night, as well as Martin Delahaye on bass. This is going to be a reoccurring series, basically a much more talented and entertaining version of your jukebox player, where random artists come and jump on stage with the house band all in one set, who know’s who’ll join them eventually? If you’ve got the pipes or shredding skills why not come on by and have some fun? Video coming soon!