"Enjoy The Next Emissary Documentary Trailer featuring footage from "The Dubway Sessions." Filmed at the iconic Dubway Studios in Lower Manhattan with artist Ne...
"Insomnia is a very prevalent issue. It's a women's health issue, and I chose to talk about it because so many people have experienced it to varying degrees. Fo...
Elevtrtrax of the day - Face it, Tiger - i am tired of feeling so restless
"A bedroom can be like a confessional. In NYC it can be a home studio and plac...
Elevtrtrax of the day - Sam Seeger - Drumbeat of the Apocalypse
“ Sam Seeger is standing on a pit of fire, the corporations are gnarling at him, and th...
"There's a certain type of character that you can't help but come in contact with growing up and living in Brooklyn and Long Island. A certain mixture of moxie,...
"One thing about Paris that cannot be contained in one era, fragment of earth, is the undulating of it's mu...
"As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again an...
I'm very moved by chaos theory, and that sense of energy. That quantum physics. We don't really, in Hindu tradition, have a father figure of a God. It's about c...
"Steve sobs comes by way of Eric Littmann. As a local, he also releases music as Phantom Power and produces the collective Phan...
"Do something that will last and be beautiful. It doesn't have to be a bridge-or a symphony or book or a business. It could be the look in the eye of a child yo...
"What happens inside St. Lucian's façade on a Tuesday night? Well a round up of decent Bushwick bands ripping! Here is our initial coverage of last n...
"Seriousness is an accident of time. It consists of putting too high a value on time. In eternity there is no time. Eternity is a moment, just long enough for a...
“When a trio can sound this large, i’m always taken back. Ben Seretan and group sound like a three guitar driven shoe gaze band, but what they make with lit...
TUESDAY DEC 15, 2015, Journalism and their melodic bro-fi sonic grace Bushwick's Gateway. The Gateway is loacted at 1272 Broadway, Brooklyn, New York 11221 ...
"While everyone's experience of oppression is different and complicated and often overlapping, I really believe that if you have privilege, you need to learn as...
“Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire po...
"Imagine a world like a dream that you awake inside of or a mirror in which the reflection is not yours. Ste...
"For instance, if you're playing a record with drums - horns would sound nice to enhance it so you get a record with horns and slip it in at certain times." - ...
Elevtrtrax of the day - Jennylee - Boom Boom
"Something streaming and downloading by Warpaint fans today for sure is Jennylee's new solo record "right on...
"Over all, I think the main thing a musician would like to do is give a picture to the listener of the many wonderful things that he knows of and senses in the ...
"A J train ushers me into Dubway's Iconic studio for an overnight session with friend Israel Heller at 11pm to 3am, pretty sure Isreal (who is starting a...
.gif - Soma
"File extensions vs bandnames go! Ok, so .gif are more than the meme-able, love-able, all awesome web-gif, they are a part of a movement call...
Gerard Presencer - Groove Travels
"Here comes the hippest thing to happen to my playlist: jazz trumpeter icon Gerard Presencer releases a massive collect...
“And when we look in through the windows, all we see are shadows. And when we try and listen, all we hear is a whispering. And we cannot understand the whispe...