theteenage1Mutual Friends is a series created by Brooklyn native Nadeem Gibran Salaam. The premise was simple: musicians, poets, and artists of all mediums hanging out around Salaam’s neighborhood of Greenpoint professing whatever resonating thoughts at that moment and speaking of their work or craft at large.

While this is a very time consuming venture and makes absolutely no money, we’re incredibly lucky when a place like Lake Street Bar willingly opens their doors to us and accommodates an interview for a few minutes. And I would like to note that this series has no long term arc in mind, if i’m lucky to meet 3 great creatives from a respective walk of life so be it, and if the cards favor 10, I’d be so lucky. Mutual Friends as the title of this series, was less than planned and ambiguous enough you can come to your own meanings, but I love the idea of a sit down, I used to spend hours in diners, cafe’s, and bars for years with friends, some of which still hold the tradition with me till this day, (you know who you are!) there’s something mediative shared stories create for the ephemeral.11705441_904281792997668_7604589191923604726_oSo with that in mind, we do have someone up first: The Teen Age, we spoke about their tour stories, making music work, and the road ahead as an artist working and striving in NYC.”

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