DSC04097Tonight was my first time ever hearing any of these bands, but I was quickly informed by the crowd of eager fans that this was Land Of Talk’s first gig in at least 5 years following some vocal injuries sustained by singer Elizabeth Powell. After a energetic kick off by opener Little Scream, Land Of Talk wasted no time jumping right into things, playing “new songs” one after the other, before the sold out crowd erupted into cheers when some of the classics were dolled out. Powell was backed by a talented group of musicians, i’m pretty sure Pietro Amato (Arcade Fire) was playing horns and manning the beautiful Wurly. DSC04005Just the sheer stamina was remarkable, the highs were through the roof, the lows emotive and graceful, you can catch them while you can, they’ll be around town for a bit before heading off into the sunrise, gaining back a position they most undoubtably earned years ago with the marks to prove it.DSC03926DSC03898

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